Lab write up format  

1.  Problem

2.  Hypothesis 

3.  Experiment ( collect data)

4. Claim

5.  Evidence

6.  Conclusion

Vocabulary words ( Science Process Skills)

 1 . Quantitative- specified or indefinite number of amount

2.  Qualitative –of or relating to the quality of an object.

3.  Science – A way of learning about things that happen in the natural world/  when we learn how something works, we can use what we know to invent things or make things ruin more smoothly.

4.  Metric system-a system of measurement un which the ratios between units are multiples of ten  Ex :  1 cm is 10 mm SI  system systeme internationale

5.  Hypothesis- is a possible answer to the problem

6.  Data Table-a way to organize data in columns and/or rows so it is neat and readable.

7.  Scientific method







8.  Synthetic- Not real or genuine; artificial.  Many kinds of fabrics, furs, and dyes are synthetic. 

9.  Meter-the basic unit of length in the metric system

10. problem- A problem is a clear statement of what is to be done.  It is always in the form of a question and testable


Genetics Vocabulary part 1 


  1. Unit- A word or symbol used in a data table that tells how the information was measured.
  2. Variable- A word used in a data table to describe what information is being collected
  3. Horizontal Axis- The axis that goes across the bottom of the graph
  4. Title-  A brief way to describe the content of a book, graph, or data table.
  5. Control- A part of the experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparison.
  6. Vertical axis- The axis that runs up and down on the side of the graph
  7. Dependent Variable- The part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable.
  8. Independent variable-  The part of the experiment that is manipulated or changed by the scientist or person performing the experiment.
  9. Cohesion- The attractive force of positive and negative molecules. Water molecules are attracted to other water molecules.  The oxygen end of water has a negative charge and the hydrogen end has a positive charge.  The hydrogen’s of one water molecule are attracted to the oxygen from other water molecules.
  10. Intersection- The crossing of two lines when graphing.

Genetics Vocabulary part 2  

  1. Watson and Crick- the two twentieth century biologists who first discovered the double helix
  2. Down syndrome- a condition caused by an abnormality in the chromosomes 47 instead of 46 chromosomes, causes mental retardation and changes in physical features.
  3. Punnett square- a Scientific way to learn which possible traits the offspring of any organism might have
  4. Clone- A living system that is genetically identical to its ancestor( has the same DNA)
  5. Cancer- A disease characterized by the rapid growth of cells in the body, often in the from of a tumor
  6. Alleles- Different forms of a gene
  7.   Mitosis- the stage of the cell cycle during which the cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one copy of the DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.
  8. Gene- a portion of the DNA molecule that serves as the basic unit of heredity
  9. Double Helix- the shape taken by the DNA molecule. A helix is a 3D spiral like shape of a spring
  10. Hybridization- the act of producing offspring from the parents of different stock.

Nervous system Vocabulary 

1.       Nervous System- Receives information about what is happening both inside and outside your body.  It also directs the way in which your body responds to this information.

2.      Neurons- Cells that carry information through your nervous system.

3.      Synapse- The junction where one neuron can transfer an impulse to another, at this point it can travel to a dendrite, cell in  a muscle, or another organ.

4.      Spinal cord- The thick column of nervous tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system

5.      Peripheral nervous system- Division of the nervous system made up of all the nerves outside of the central nervous system.

6.      Cerebrum-  the largest part of the brain, responsible for functions such as movement, the senses, speech, and abstract thought.

7.      Cerebellum- Coordinates the actions of the muscles and helps maintain balance.

8.      Nearsightedness- people with this have trouble seeing objects far way, but can see close objects clearly.

9.      Farsightedness- people with this condition have trouble seeing nearby objects clearly.

10.  Brain stem- Controls your body’s involuntary actions, those that occur automatically, such as your heartbeat and breathing.

 Nervous system part 2/Digestion

  1. Retina- the layer of receptor cells that lines the back of the eye, is like the film in a camera.
  2. Drug- is any chemical taken into the body that cause changes in a person’s body or behavior.
  3. Tolerance- is a state in which a drug user needs larger and larger amounts of the drug to produce the same effect on the body.
  4. Addiction- the body becomes physically dependent on the drug.
  5. Withdrawal- a period of adjustment that occurs when a person stops taking a drug on which the body is dependent.
  6. Depressants- are drugs that slow down the activity of the CNS, when people take these they may take longer than normal to respond to stimuli.
  7. Stimulants- Speed up the body processes, makes the heart beat faster and make breathing rate increase.
  8. Alcoholism- a disease in which a person is both physically addicted to and emotionally dependent on alcohol.
  9. Digestion- the process by which you body breaks down food into small nutrient molecules.
  10. Absorption- is the process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system into your blood.


Earth and space word of the day


1.  Urea- Is the chemical that comes from the break down of proteins

2.  Nephron- Tiny filtering factories found in your kidneys that remove wastes and

     produce urine

3.  Rotation- the spinning of Earth on its axis

4.  Solstice- The sun is the farthest North or South of the Equator

5.  Gravity- Attracts all objects toward each other. It occurs everywhere

6.  Eclipse- When an object in space comes between the sun and a third object, it causes a

     shadow on that object

7.  Maria- the moons surface has dark, flat areas, which Galileo named.

8.  Crater- Large round pits in the surface of an object

9.  Weight- equals the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on the object.

10.  Asteroid- sometimes called minor planets, usually chunks of silica or carbon, that

     orbit around the sun

 Earth and Space Vocabulary

1.  Genocentric- A model of the universe where the Earth is at the center                      

2.  Heliocentric-. A model of the solar system where the Sun is at the center

3.  Ellipse-  An oval shape that is usually the path a of a planet                          

4.  Prominence- Gas that protrudes from the sun, linking to sunspots                   

5.  Greenhouse effect- The trapping of heat by a planets atmosphere

6.  Terrestrial- A name given to the inner planets                                                 

7.  Convection Zone- The outermost layer of the sun’s interior                     

8.  Comet-.  A loose collection of ice, dust, that orbit planets                              

9.   Nucleus- The solid inner core of a comet                            

10. Asteroids-  Rocky objects orbiting around the sun   


  1. Energy- The ability to do work
  2. Kinetic energy- the energy an object has due to its motion
  3. Thermal energy- the total potential and kinetic energy of particles in an object
  4. mechanical energy- the form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object.
  5. Energy transformation- a change from one form of energy to another.
  6. Law of conservation of energy- energy can not be created or destroyed
  7. Matter- is anything that has mass and takes up space.
  8. Coma- the head of a comets tail
  9. Combustion- sequence of chemical reactions between an oxidant & fuel
  10. Fossil Fuel- These consist of coal, petroleum, and natural gas

Chemical Building blocks Vocabulary

1.  Matter- is anything that has mass and takes up space

2.  Chemistry- is the study of the properties  of matter and how matter changes

3.  Molecules- Groups of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.

4.  Element- is a pure substance that can not be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means. 

5.  Volume- the amount of space that matter occupies

6.  Thermal Energy- is the total of all energy particles in an object.

7.  Potential energy- is the energy an object has b/c of its position

8.  Kinetic energy- is the energy of matter in motion(bowling ball moving)

9.  Electric energy- is the energy of electrically charged particles moving from one place to another.

10.  Endothermic change- a change in which energy is taken( melting of ice)

Chemical building blocks( part 2)

  1. Atom-  is a basic unit of matter consisting of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
  2. Atomic number- the number of protons in the atoms nucleus.
  3. Atomic mass-  the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  4. Isotope- Atoms with the same number of protons and different number of neutrons.
  5. periodic- repeated
  6. Reactivity- The ease and speed with which an element reacts with another element and compounds.
  7. Compound- combinations of two or more elements.
  8. Halogens-  means salt forming, mostly non-metals
  9. Radiation- direct electromagnetic waves





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